In other to achieve the goals and objectives of the foundation, J&J Organization has developed three key projects which include:
- Educational Support Project (ESP)
The Education Support Project provides several educational intervention programs that impacts the Child (Pupils & Students), Teachers and the school. Some of the programs under this project include:
- J&J Scholarship Scheme: The J&J Scholarship scheme provides access to quality education for brilliant indigent students. The scholarship is divided into three categories: Primary, Secondary & Tertiary. The Scholarship Awards is in the form of a fixed approved annual payment, to support the payment of the Scholar's tuition cost for enrollment in a qualifying academic program. Selection of beneficiaries is based majorly on financial need and intellectual capacity for success.
- Back to School Program (BSP): Through this program, JJF provides educational materials like books and back-packs for indigent students in urban slums and rural communities. This takes away the burden from the parents and help erase any form of inferiority complex that may affect their mental health and their performance in school.
- School support program (SSP): This program helps to address infrastructural deficiency in schools located in disadvantaged communities and urban slums. It is geared towards boosting literacy through the provision of necessary school equipment’s for schools lacking such.
- Citizenship & Leadership Education Program (CLEP): This is a mentorship program designed for the teenagers to educate them on the importance of “Good followership” & Leadership” to the development of the nation. The program seeks to prepare teenagers to become changemakers, patriot and nation builders that will champion the cause for a better society.
- Entrepreneurship Empowerment Project (SEEP)
J&J Employability & Empowerment Project (EEP), provides employability, vocational and business skills that empowers disadvantaged persons in the community to become self-reliant and productive members of the society. Some of the programs under this project include:
- Skill Up Academy (SUA): This provides employability and vocational skills to unemployed youths, widows and other marginalized groups to enable them get employed and or set-up small scale businesses of their choice.
- Small- Business Grant (SBG): GDF Micro-Business Grant is specifically set -up for disadvantaged adults in the community with profitable business skills or ideas. This helps them to set-up small scale businesses that can be scaled – up with time.
- Health Support Project (HSP)
Through strategic partnerships, J&J provide access to basic medical services such as consultation, diagnosis, dispensary and sensitization to underserved communities in Nigeria. Some of the programs under HSP include:
Maintenance-Medication Management Clinic (MMC): This focuses on periodic health talks and awareness march in underserved communities to create awareness on existing health challenges in the society. Through this program, J&J provide much needed medications for the management of hypertension, diabetes, prostate hypertrophy, vitamin deficiency, common cold, arthritis, etc.
- Sustained Action Against Malaria Program (SAAMP): Under SAAMP, GDF provides materials like mosquito nets, test, drugs and relevant information for preventing and treating malaria in rural communities.
- Feed the Children Initiative (FCI): Under this initiative, GDF provides food items and other relief materials for families of indigent children as a means of ensuring that the children have access to nutritious meal necessary for brain development and their general well-being.
- J&J Special Projects:
This project is designed to help organize events like birthday parties and excursion for orphans and indigent children to make them feel loved and have a sense of belonging in the society. E.g., Inner city back to school program & Inner-city mission Send Portion event.